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The current mood of sensualminx@diaryland.com at www.imood.com
02.21.04 . 8:27 pm

I did end up going to the doctor yesterday. And unfortunately, they did have to flush out my ear (but no needles or anything, thankfully). It didn't actually hurt, just felt massively creepy. And when it was over, I felt like I was seasick. You know, dizzy and about ready to hurl. But I suppose it makes sense, seeing as seasickness does have something to do with the inner ear.

My ear problems are mostly because of sinus problems caused by allergies. I have now been prescribed Allegra, ear drops to cure the irritation and inflamation I currently have. And if those two don't work, the doctor is threatening nose spray. Which will be no fun indeed! My nose does not like having things shoved up it!

I was all set to just sit on my butt yesterday after the doctor, but then I got a call from Sara. I haven't seen her since I've been back, and have missed her terribly. She picked up her girls from day care and came up here to visit my grandparents and me. It was so nice to see her and the girls again! She ended up kidnapping me, and we took the girls to their grandfather's and the two of us went out for some quality time together. I can't believe it's been over six months since I've seen her.

She had been invited to go down to the Boardwalk to see her coworker's band, Soul Taco. He is the lead singer. They are actually an incredible live act, Sara and I were both surprised that their CD does not do them justice.

Turns out the drummer of the band goes to the Asylum. We got invited to the after party, and I also called up Shiloe and Dmitri to get their butts out. They then invited Michelle and Randi... But it's all good, the band members said "The more the merrier!"

The night was a lot of fun. Shiloe and Dmitri did Poi in the backyard for everyone. That stuff just looks so fucking awesome, it's a pyro's dream. I got some pictures of it, but wish I would have thought to mess with the flash and speed to make sure all the trails from the fire were visible. They still turned out looking pretty cool, though.

I haven't talked to Paul in a couple days because of phone issues and his lack of internet... It's killing me inside, I miss him so much. Especially at night when I don't have his arms around me, and just the knowledge that he is right there next to me.

There's a painful issue I am avoiding here. I don't want to dwell on it, or else I'll feel tempted to share. Tonight Sara confided in me. And only me. And what she told me is so sacred, I can't even write it here in my own diary.

before - after

Mood: Achy
Wearing: Red t-shirt and black pants
Listening To: Bjork
Thinking: I wish I heard back from Sara today
Wishing: I had a way to call Paul right now