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The current mood of sensualminx@diaryland.com at www.imood.com
Ouch, ouch, ouch!
02.19.04 . 9:58 pm

I've been meaning to write for the last couple days, but I feel kind of shitty. Something is wrong with my left ear. It's not like an ear ache... But it has to be some sort of infection. I haven't been able to hear out of it well for about a month and it's itchy and stings inside. And now the left one is starting to sting too. So, needless to say, I'm dragging my ass to the doctor tomorrow. Although I admit I'm chicken shit, because everyone is telling me stories about needles and tubes and things poking into my ears. And that gives me the creeps.

In other shitty news, the phone company has screwed our phone over at our house in Sheffield. I had to call Paul's cell phone today long distance to let him know the house phone has been disconnected. And boy, is he not happy. I fear for the poor customer service person who is going to get ripped a new asshole by him tomorrow. But they kind of deserve it, the company has been dicking us around for a while.

Sunday night was the Anti-Valentine Ball, and it was a lot of fun. I went in my purdy pink strapless dress and wore cat ears. I loves me my cat ears, you know. I got so many great pictures. Boobies, hot gay guys kissing, everything.

And more festivities were last night... The weekly Meet N Greet, of course. The first part of the night stunk because we couldn't decide what to do. All the rich people wanted to go to sushi, and all of us poor people just wanted to sit around, bullshit, and eat something cheap like pizza or nachos. Understandable, right?

The outing got called off somewhat early, but a few of us were still up for some fun. So Amy, Matt, Rob and I went over to Rob's apartment. Ryan was still up, so we sat around eating potato chips and drinking Diet Pepsi, brainstorming more about our Gay Dracula Forever! idea. We've decided it should be a musical. Because cheesey, trashy movies are even better when there are silly songs involved.

Speaking of Ryans... I got to speak to my Ryan today. The one who is in the Air Force out in Texas. Well, online that is. But I saw him over the webcam in his uniform and everything. I was actually thinking about him on Sunday. I was dancing at the Asylum (I think to "Come Undone" or something -- not that it really matters) and I suddenly realized he wasn't around anymore. And it made me sad. But he seems to be doing well with his new life in the military. As strange as it is for me to think of him in uniform, I'm sure it's good for him.

Oh, and if anyone actually reads this thing (Eep, that's a scary thought, actually)... I've been putting all my pictures I've been taking with the digital camera Paul bought me up on one of those online photo gallery whatsitwho thingamajigs.

I hope my ear gets fixed tomorrow. Without pain. I hate pain. Pain sucks.

And apparently, when I'm in pain, I write a whole shitload of run-on sentences. Or something like that.

before - after

Mood: Concerned
Wearing: Striped shirt, black sweater, jeans
Listening To: The Pixies
Thinking: About the guy I just made fun of on Yahoo Messenger.
Wishing: My ear stopped hurting. Now.