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The current mood of sensualminx@diaryland.com at www.imood.com
Freebies galore and reckless driving
03.14.03 . 10:42 pm

NEWS FLASH: I am fucking lazy!

Really, I've been online. Just completely unmotivated to write.

The fact that my life is so incredibly boring is the major reason why I haven't. The only interesting thing as of late is the free stuff I've been getting.

Free stuff! Yay!

This trend began when one of my managers gave me a coat. She bought it a while back, hardly wore it, and felt it would be perfect for me. And she's right. It's leopard print. And not surprisingly, I adore all things feline. I wore the coat to the club last weekend, along with my favorite cat ears.

And more free stuff followed. Not only did Erin give me a 30 minute phone card to use to call Paul, she also gave me a three week supply of the ortho patch to start me off. Now I just need to go to the clinic and get the rest of the meds.

And last in the line of freebies, Gary is giving me a new monitor. He also hooked me up with a deal on RAM (Thanks to him, I now have 736mb). And he may be giving me an extra hard drive. It will be 10 gigs, perfect for my MP3 collection. Now if only I can find him a good woman. Seriously. The guy needs to find a nice, attractive, intelligent lady who actually knows who the fuck Oingo Boingo is.

In other news, I got my first evaluation at work today. It was a wonderful way to get paid. I was only at "work" for 45 minutes, reading and filling out forms. Yet I'm getting paid for two hours. Not that two hours will get me rolling in the dough. Just a little poke at the dough, perhaps.


I just have to add something random...

Y'see, my friend John has a totally fucked up van. It's big and white, the kind you'd expect to see with a cable company logo on the side. For some odd reason, this van can only drive backwards. John is unable to make it go forward. It also stalls constantly.

Because John is so broke, he can't afford to get it towed back to his house. Instead, he leaves it in a new parking lot every night. Slowly, he hopes he will manage to get it back into his driveway.

So, this past weekend, he called Diana to get a jump. She, Tom, and I were around the corner from John's current parking spot, helping Diana's mother. We figured, since we were so close, we'd have to help him get his junk pile started and moving.

After jumping the piece of shit, we knew we had to move it to a different lot (to make sure it wouldn't be towed that night). Let me point out that John had the van parked in a mall parking lot. A mall which happens to be sitting on one of the busiest streets in Sacramento.

So, here we are, our strange little caravan. Tom driving his truck in the front. John, driving the van backwards. And Diana and me following behind in her car. In rush hour traffic. And the looks on the faces of the other drivers watching as we pass by them? Absolutely priceless.

I almost felt like waving.

before - after

Mood: Strong
Wearing: My new shirt and pinstripe Dickies
Listening To: Wolfsheim
Thinking: It's been two weeks now...
Wishing: I had someone to curl up with tonight