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The current mood of sensualminx@diaryland.com at www.imood.com
Snap! Crackle! Pop! *twitch*
03.04.03 . 11:01 pm

As usual on a Tuesday night, it was incredibly boring at work. A lot of our fixtures are being boxed up, which has brought rolls of giant bubble wrap into our storeroom.

Bubble wrap!

Remember being a child and finding a sheet of bubble wrap? And in those moments of boredom, finding joy in the satisfying little snaps between your fingers? Okay, perhaps that was just me as a kid...

I never claimed to be normal.

And tonight, every time I stepped into the backroom, I couldn't stop myself. I had to pop a bubble. I'd walk by that giant, partly unraveled roll... And *had* to snap one. POP!

You'd think I was obsessive compulsive.
You'd think I was obsessive compulsive.
You'd think I was obsessive compulsive.
You'd think I was obsessive compulsive.
You'd think I was obsessive compulsive.
You'd think I was obsessive compulsive.


In other randomness from the night, I do believe our store is having a good old fashioned feud with the store across the way, Journey's.

There is always this moment at closing when my manager and I find ourselves standing in our entrance, staring down the employees of Journey's, who are standing in their own entrance.

And tonight, right as we were about to close, a Journey's employee walked into our store. He just wandered around for about five minutes. Not really looking at anything to buy. Just being there. And then he turned around, left our store, and went back into his own.

Thus the nightly stare down began.

It's become a thing with us. We refuse to pull our gate down before they do.

And, come to think of it... I believe this was the same dude who, one night around Christmas, made it a point to enter and exit our store multiple times. No, you don't understand. He'd take a few steps in, stand there for a moment, and then walk a few steps out of the store. And he wouldn't stop until I asked him "What the fuck?"

And I don't mean to sound like I have anything against the store. I shop at Journey's. They have some pretty cool shoes (granted, overpriced...). Hell, I even thought about getting a second job over there.

But I haven't applied. I figure "tweaker" is in the job description. And that's just not my thing.

before - after

Mood: Geeky
Wearing: My favorite jeans and ladybug tank
Listening To: Green Day
Thinking: Do I seriously work in a mall?
Wishing: I was out of Sacramento...