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The current mood of sensualminx@diaryland.com at www.imood.com
The one about the goth who caught a fish
03.03.03 . 10:41 pm

Brace yourself, I feel a long, rambling, slightly disturbing entry coming on...

So, last night. Where do I start?

Shiloe had planned to spend the day with Sarah. However, he was not able to get ahold of her. After work, he called me to see if I wanted to go the Asylum with him. He also asked if he could come over and use my shower (his isn't working), get some makeup tips, and possibly raid my closet.

I was happy to say yes, because I knew he would finally be able to talk to Paul. He's been wanting to wave at him via the web cam, and I've really wanted to get the two to talk. So, yes. They not only had a quick conversation on the phone, he talked to him online while I was getting dressed for the night. He even got to tell Paul his favorite goth joke and wave at Fletcher.

After we both got all pretty and talked to Paul, we took off to Sarah's. Oh, yeah. She wasn't happy. In her eyes we were three hours late... Shiloe tried to explain that he could not get through to her on the phone. Turns out she was on the internet. We hung over at her house for a while. Her mood seemed to lighten. She even showed us her pussy-getting mating dance.

On the way to the club, I stopped at the gas station to buy a pack of smokes. I also needed a lighter. Although I meant to purchase a regular lighter, I couldn't help but buy the lighter fashioned like a gun. As I walked to the car, I realised I just bought something I could never use in public. How silly does it look to pull out a mini revolver to light your cigarette? Oh well. I get to model it here, on my diary:

So, yes. Off to the Asylum we go! We arrived at the club and the three of us walked our cute selves up to the front door. On the way there, we noticed two girls staring in our direction from the smoking patio. Finally, one of them yelled out, "Shiloe! Hey!" Shiloe and I stopped at the patio, and Sarah walked inside the building.

The first thing out of my mouth as I looked the yeller up and down was, "Oh, honey... you're beautiful! But you must be freezing!" She was a cute blonde... built well... Wearing a dress cut so short you could see her underwear. The other girl was dressed in a simple black tank top and black dickies. Introductions were made. Half-naked girl was "Nikki," an old friend of Shiloe's from game. The clothed female was another Sarah.

Shiloe and I decided we should pay our way into the club and head out onto the patio for a chat. My first impression of these two girls was "Strippers!" I was half right. Nikki was. Sarah, on the other hand, was actually a regular at the strip joint who fell madly in lust with the girl. Shiloe was happy to get back in touch with his old friend, but suprised at her current profession and attire. He mentioned to me later that she had always dressed somewhat sexy, and was always open sexually... But was never quite *that* flamboyant about it.

So, yes. Usually, confronted with strippers, I would run away. Not my type of crowd. But despite appearances and sexual frankness, the two were actually quite sweet and amusing. After some chatting and smoking, the three of us gals decided to go inside and dance. About a song and a half into it, Nikki asked me if she thought she should take Shiloe into the cage and play with him. And this she did. I was very much so amused to watch her basically give him a free lap dance.

Our Sarah (as she will be called for the rest of this entry, to avoid confusion between the two), however, was not. Her exact words were, "That's disgusting. I wouldn't go within ten feet of those two girls for fear I'd catch something." Okay, perhaps she had a point. But in my opinion, dancing is harmless. And my poor Shiloe deserved a free fucking lap dance.

After the cage show, Shiloe, myself, and our two new "friends" went outside for another cigarette. This is where things got really hilarious. The two girls kept telling Shiloe and I how beautiful we were, and said that we should go back to their place to "have some fun."

Ha! Ha ha ha!

Thanks, but no thanks.

While we did not take them up on that offer, we did end up hanging out with them for the majority of the night. Sarah, in particular, kept trying to get us all to kiss. Which would obviously not work in my situation seeing as -

#1 - I'm straight.
#2 - Shiloe is nothing more than a friend.
#3 - Most importantly, I'm loyal to Paul.

This did not, however, stop the other three from kissing throughout the night. Especially Shiloe and Sarah. Which disappointed me a tad... But, really... Shiloe has needed a good makeout session.

I spent a good portion of the night on the dance floor, in my own little world. They even played Nick Cave without me having to request him, so I was pretty happy.

When the club closed, I met up with Our Sarah as Shiloe walked the two girls out to their car. Our Sarah was not happy. Not at all. We stood outside for a bit waiting for Shiloe to return. I finally went out to their car to get him. The three were exchanging numbers. I pulled Shiloe aside and told him we had to be going, and warned him about the words I knew Our Sarah was about to have with him. Goodbyes were said, and I walked Shiloe back up to the doors of the club. Where Our Sarah was waiting.

She told him off right there. Not only yelling at him for being late to get to her apartment, but for chasing "skanky pussy" all night. I was standing there with two of Sarah's male friends. None of us really knowing what to say. The guys were trying to crack a few jokes to get the tension down. As Shiloe, Sarah, and I got into the car, I finally broke my silence.

"Mommy... Daddy... please don't fight. It hurts the children."

I got a small smile out of both. And things were quiet for a moment. And then the argument started again. A little more low-key. And I could do nothing but sit in the back seat of the car, feeling incredibly uncomfortable. Sarah was basically telling Shiloe that she doesn't keep friends who disrespect her. Which, in my mind, was being a bit dramatic. The kid was distracted by pretty girls. So what? It's not something to base the end of a friendship on.

We pulled up to Sarah's apartment building. I got out of the back and switched to the front seat. She smiled at me and told me to have a good night. She said nothing to Shiloe.

I felt his hurt. He was very emotional at the thought of possibly losing a friend. During the half hour drive back to my house, I just held his hand and listened to him talk.

before - after

Mood: Abnormal
Wearing: My purple jammies
Listening To: Underworld
Thinking: She will cool down and all will be well
Wishing: I could curl up in bed with Paul