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The current mood of sensualminx@diaryland.com at www.imood.com
Life, as usual (only not)
02.10.03 . 10:52 pm

Okay, I know I said I was going to write... but I'm lazy. This has been established.

It's so nice to finally have my computer back. Thank goodness for Ryan and his threatening Windows with a rubber chicken voodoo dance. I was going through withdrawals not being able to download MP3s, surf the net for strange things, and most importantly, chat with Paul.

So, yeah. My week without a computer was pretty boring. After my daily phonecall of happiness and frustration, I generally went out. Even if it was to just sit at Eppie's and talk to the waitresses. I mean, without my computer, what the hell am I supposed to do when I'm at home?

One night Michael and I went to Galt to visit his friends. The guys ended up getting stoned and we all played Illuminati. I had never played before, but actually had fun. Gotta love a game where it's okay to cheat. Oh, and I was very proud of myself. I broke a house record. During one turn, I decided to choose the option to accuse two of the players. And I was right about both of them. The group said they didn't think they had seen that done before, let alone that early in the game and by a newbie. Haha, I rock!

Let's see.. what else did I do? Bullshitted over at True Love with Ryan, as usual. Went to Velocity with Gary and Michael, but left after 30 minutes because it was absolutely dead inside and terrible. Now I know why no one ever wants to go.

Oh, I did go to the Asylum last night. I thought I wasn't going to because Nicolai hasn't gone for the last three weeks, Michael wasn't going, Gary said he was taking a break from it, and Ryan said he was going swing dancing instead. But at the last minute Ryan messaged me and told me to be ready in a half an hour, that he was picking me up to go over there. I was happy to get some energy out dancing.

So, yeah... Right now I'm looking into getting a passport and researching how much international flights are. I need to get out of the states for a while... actually, I wouldn't mind leaving for good.

before - after

Mood: Eh
Wearing: Grey shirt, black pants
Listening To: Ladytron
Thinking: How I'm going to do this
Wishing: All my shit was sorted out