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The current mood of sensualminx@diaryland.com at www.imood.com
The funny way things work
02.02.03 . 12:45 pm

I'm going to kill Bren. Why haven't I seen that entry before? You evil girl with your mind erasing rays and... stuff!

I was meaning to write when I got home last night, but I'm lazy. So I guess I'll have a go at it right now.

I ended up going out with my friend John to take a look at some supposedly haunted areas around town. We visited a creepy street with an infamous past, an even more creepy abandoned orphanage, and then an odd cemetary he likes to go to. As we were pulling up to the cemetary, I noticed three people standing on the road talking. As we left, the group had multiplied to about 20 or so...

At first I thought all the people randomly standing around in black was strange, and then I realised they were a bunch of gamers. And Gary was standing there amongst them. John stopped his truck, backed up, and I leaned my head out the window with a big smile to get Gary's attnetion. But nooooo... he was far too busy pretending to be a vampire to even acknowledge me. Fucking gamers. I should have yelled, "Out of character: You're an asshead! Say hello to me!" But I didn't. I just drove off. I'll yell at him later tonight at the club for not saying hello when I randomly run into him. How rude.

I don't know, perhaps seeing someone playing game and trying to say hello is a huge no-no. How would I know? I don't play game. I have better things to do on a Saturday night... Okay, I'm lying (afterall, I was randomly at a cemetary at 11pm). But anyway...

After John and I did our little ghost hunt, we went to his house, where Ryan met up with us. I got to play Fatal Frame, so I was very happy. What a fun game! It's a good thing I don't own a PS2, otherwise I'd be sitting there playing the game 24/7. And that would be bad. Very bad.

Heh... I talked to Shiloe last night. He sounded very upset, and I asked him what was wrong. He told me that he met an incredible girl the other night, fell madly in love at first sight, but is upset because she lives in San Francisco. I told him that wasn't such a bad distance... And then he said, "But, no, there's more ... She's thinking about going to school very far away. In England." At which point I could not stop laughing.

I've figured out that strange connection between us.

We're the same fucking person!

before - after

Mood: Alright
Wearing: I'm in my jammies
Listening To: Harry Connick, Jr.
Thinking: A whole bunch of stuff
Wishing: I had more money. A lot more.