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The current mood of sensualminx@diaryland.com at www.imood.com
Gee, thanks for sharing
01.31.03 . 2:05 am

Well, I'm happy to announce that I finally saw a DiaryQuotes banner. It's about time! And while I'm disappointed that there were no boobies involved, I'm still happy. I no longer feel like the last kid picked in gym class. Okay, I do a little... But this time the gimpy kid eating his boogers doesn't beat me out in the line up.

I've been chain smoking, drinking Mountain Dew, and am now wired because I saw the banner. So I thought I'd ramble more...

At work today, I smacked the hell out of my knee on the corner of a counter while I was carrying an armfull of shirts. It's been killing me all night. I'm hoping the bruise won't be too ugly, as I'm planning to wear a short skirt to the club on Sunday. But if it is, oh well. There's always fishnets.

Speaking of my job, I'm a little sad because one of my managers has left our store. He always cracked me up, even though he frightened me at times. I mean, who else could have a conversation with me first thing in the morning quite like this:

- A: Hey, Tiff! Guess what I did?
- T: Um... no clue.
- A: You know my piercing goal, right? Well I finally got the reverse P.A. like I've been wanting!
- T: Okay, ouch. Remind me never to fuck you.
- A: No, it's really cool! Except for one weird thing... Now I have to sit down to take a piss cause it squirts all over the place...
- T: Whoa. Thank you ever so much for sharing.
- A: No problem. That's for telling me last week that you were leaking and had to find a fucking tampon.

Now work will be that much more uninteresting. I'll miss that crazy little guy.

before - after

Mood: Caffeinated
Wearing: Still not naked
Listening To: Joan Osborne
Thinking: Am I really this bored?
Wishing: I had a car