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The current mood of sensualminx@diaryland.com at www.imood.com
Shove your "precious"
12.21.02 . 9:01 pm

Friday night I went with Clint, Erik, Tyson, and Chris to see The Two Towers. Or as I like to call it, "The Longest Fucking Movie In The World." It wouldn't have been so painful if it wasn't for the fact that we saw the late showing of it, it has a very slow middle, and it's a movie I was only half interested in seeing to begin with. Plus, that Gollum thing is one of the most annoying screen farts in film history. I'm including him in with the likes of Jar Jar Binks and Pauly Shore.

So, yeah... I got half my Christmas shopping done. It's so hard to find things for everyone. I still have a ways to go. Hopefully I'll be able to finish tomorrow before work.

Ed came back into town and I was able to see him last night. He came to Hard Times along with Clint, Tyson, Mike, Jenn, Kaydie, Jenn's friend David, and Ed's friend Amanda. It was a jolly crowd. Tyson kicked my ass at pool. Okay, pretty much anyone in that crowd could give me a good whooping.

I just came home after an evening of wrapping presents with Clint and his parents. We watched South Park. It was a hilarious episode, about an accidental video switch involving "Lord Of The Rings" and a porno. Tasteless but hilarious, I must say. I also brought "Final Destination" over so Clint could see it. Erik and I were talking about it when we saw a preview for the sequel on Friday. Clint mentioned he had never seen it. He enjoyed it, and I even caught him jump a couple of times. He liked the death scenes a lot, but thought the John Denver tie in was way too cheesy.

I'm just going to relax for the rest of the night. I can't believe I even used my energy to write.

before - after

Mood: Spiffy
Wearing: A green sweater and black pants
Listening To: The Offspring
Thinking: I should eat dinner
Wishing: Everyone likes their gifts