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The current mood of sensualminx@diaryland.com at www.imood.com
The real world vs. laziness
12.11.02 . 3:41 pm

Yay, I was kidnapped last night! After I wrote in my diary I surfed around for a bit. In the middle of reading about Bren's sex life (which was both interesting and frightening at the same time) my phone rang. It was Clint. He told me to come outside. I was trying to figure out what the hell he was talking about. I went to my door and started flicking the porch light on and off, at which point he told me to stop playing with the light. Sure enough, I opened the door, and he was standing there on my porch with a big smile on his face. It made me feel ever so loved that he just randomly showed up like that.

We went back to his house and he played Tony Hawk while I looked over possible classes for the spring semester. Right now I'm thinking about taking an advanced drama course, voice lessons, and possibly introduction to journalism or speech. My mother says it's all over the board, but it's the main things I'm interested in. Well, that and doing radio work. Sierra doesn't appear to have a radio station, though, which is a bummer for me.

Yikes, maybe my mother is right. I don't want to look like one of those beauty pageant bimbos: "While I'm working to become an actress slash singer I'll do journalism and maybe be a weather girl, and then I can work on world peace and feeding all the hungry children!" I don't sound like that, do I? Bah, I hope not.

Today I went to the bank to try to figure out why my checking account was overdrawn by $24.24. I'm glad I went in to fix it instead of just used the ATM to deposit money, because I ended up getting money back. It turned out I was overdrawn because they charged me when they sent me my check books, and I didn't know it would be that much. So the bank teller was nice enough to put the $14 back in my account that I was charged for insufficient funds. Wheee!

Clint called me just a few minutes ago to tell me he saw an awesome rag top bug that looked like my style. I tried to remind him that I still haven't bothered to get my license (even though I'm nearly 20) AND I don't have the money for a car right now. But, as he pointed out, the no-license thing isn't too much of a problem because the type of bug I'd like would probably require a lot of work and modification. So I could get my license while working on the car. And as far as money goes, he pointed out that it could be worked around.

Right now we're sending text messages to each other over our phones. He wants to take me shopping and buy me a new outfit, to his taste (which would probably mean a trip to Hot Topic, knowing him). I'm totally game to be his barbie doll. Shit, new clothes are new clothes are new clothes.

before - after

Mood: Playful
Wearing: Orange t-shirt and jeans
Listening To: "Gimme The Car," the Violent Femmes
Thinking: He can dress me as long as I don't end up looking like an Avril Lavigne groupie
Wishing: Too many things to write down