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The current mood of sensualminx@diaryland.com at www.imood.com
I'm lonely. Kidnap me. I'm friendly and I don't eat much.
12.10.02 . 8:11 pm

Last night I did just end up staying home. Saul came over after he got off work and we traded expansion packs for the Sims. So, yay, both of us have all the expansion packs now (I was only missing House Party). Saul is so spoiled that his parents bought him a brand new beautiful laptop. So, the nerds that we are, we sat around for a couple hours trying to one-up each other on building houses. The rules were we couldn't cheat with the rosebud code, and there had to be three family members. I think I totally won, my house was beautiful. But he says I was cheating because I was using all the various furniture, floors, wallpapers, etc. that I've downloaded from the web. Okay, and perhaps I did have a chair that actually gives me money instead of takes away from my total. But, honestly, I didn't notice at first...

But when I did notice, did I use it? Hell yes, I did. I'm not an idiot. Money is good, even if it's the fake computer game kind.

Today was my first day on register at work. It's a piece of cake, their systems are far more simpler than I'm used to. Plus, ringing customers makes the day go by a lot faster than just standing around greeting people and folding sweaters all day. It starts to make me feel like a robot playing dressup.

It looks like I won't see Clint yet again. He just now got off work (he's been there since 5:30 in the damn morning, and now it's after 8:00). So, yeah, he called to tell me he's just going home to bed. I really don't know why that makes me so sad. It shouldn't. Maybe it's because I know I'll be seeing him less and less because of his work and classes. But absence makes the heart grow fonder, right?


before - after

Mood: Pouty
Wearing: Billabong t-shirt and my favorite jeans
Listening To: A cover of "Superstar"
Thinking: Ouch, I burned my tongue eating dinner
Wishing: I had a car so I wouldn't be trapped in my house all the time