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The current mood of sensualminx@diaryland.com at www.imood.com
Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!
12.09.02 . 7:17 pm

Last night Clint, Tyson, Angela, and I went over to Erik's to watch Monty Python. Clint and I could only stay to watch "The Holy Grail," though, because he had to be at work at 5:30 this morning. I was about to smack him many times during the movie because he felt the need to quote along with the entire movie. So I told him that some day we're going to sit down and watch the "Rocky Horror Picture Show" and he won't be allowed to bitch as I sing along and talk back to the film...

After the movie we stopped at Del Taco to get some food. I missed dinner, so I was starving. I got five frickin' tacos, and I still had room for more afterwards. I don't understand why Del Taco tacos don't fill me up. I mean, I go to Taco Bell and I can barely make it through two taco supremes before I feel like I'm going to explode. Maybe it's all that chihuahua meat or something?

I'm letting Clint borrow my N64 for his bedroom. He seems to prefer it over his Playstation. Perhaps it's my supreme choice in video games. He was thrilled to see that I have the likes of Quake, Castlevania, and 007. Plus, he'd never played Tony Hawk, and I've made him become an addict. Last night I tried giving him a strip tease while he was playing. He just continued staring at the screen and playing, only saying, "That's nice, hon." while I was in the middle of my little dance. Dammit, it was cute. He should have appreciated it. Maybe I'll withhold sex for a while because he didn't enjoy my pseudo-sexiness.

I get trained on register tomorrow at Anchor Blue. Yay! Just working the front is so boring. The highlight of my work day today was the group of Mormon guys who came in and bought a bunch of sweaters and stuff. I helped them find things that looked good on them, and got ten stamps on my supersize cards for all the stuff they bought. So that was nice.

After work I did a little shopping. I bought Clint a cool necklace I hope he'll like, as well as a beanie that says "Bored." I also bought myself a pretty choker that is brown and torqouise with a pretty butterfly. It's going to look perfect with my brown v-neck shirt.

My feet hurt. I don't know if I'm going to do anything more than sit on my butt and download mp3s tonight.

before - after

Mood: Peachy
Wearing: Black pants and a black shirt with the British flag on it
Listening To: The Lost Boys soundtrack
Thinking: I really do hope Clint will like his Christmas presents
Wishing: I had more money... I keep wishing that, I know... But I'm still broke...