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The current mood of sensualminx@diaryland.com at www.imood.com
I fold clothes all day, isn't that special?
12.05.02 . 11:59 pm

I had my orientation at Anchor Blue yesterday, and actually worked tonight for the first time. So far it looks like I'm going to like the place. It's just a bitch to remember all the different types of pants and whatnot.

Right as I was coming out of work Clint called me. He said he was at the movies with Tyson and Erik. I asked him which movie he was seeing, and he told me I didn't want to know. So, yeah, I immediately knew he was seeing "Eight Crazy Nights." This was obvious to me because a few nights earlier I mentioned that I really, really wanted to see it, and he told me he felt it was more of a rental movie. So, bah. That sucks. Now he's seen it and I haven't. And I was the one who wanted to watch it in the theater in the first place!

Diaryland was acting strangely today. I tried to post early this morning, and it just wouldn't let me. That made me sad. I'm considering redesigning my diary. I don't know, though. That requires actual work on my part, and I remembered that I'm lazy. And it's not like anybody reads this thing anyway. If I change it, it will be to make myself happy by having a pretty page.

So, yeah... Clint is on his way to pick me up. We're going to my grandfather's funeral tomorrow. No, I never did get the balls to call my grandmother. I'm a loser like that sometimes.

My feet hurt. I'm hungry, but not.

before - after

Mood: Tired
Wearing: My new favorite jeans and pretty shirt
Listening To: Jay Leno on in the other room
Thinking: Clint's here, and he's not allowed to find this diary!
Wishing: My boyfriend didn't show up in the middle of my writing