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The current mood of sensualminx@diaryland.com at www.imood.com
I like my Won Ton Soup, is that a problem?
12.02.02 . 10:53 pm

So, yeah. I never got around to calling my grandmother. I think I'll do it tomorrow.


Shortly after I wrote, Clint called me to see if I wanted to go shopping with him to buy a new bed for his kitty. He picked me up and we then went to Petsmart and got a nice one that his cat will hopefully like and use. He's an outside cat, so Clint wanted to make sure he will be nice and warm.

After the shopping Clint was getting grumpy because he was hungry, but didn't know what to eat. We ended up going to a Chinese restaurant, his favorite type of food. Whenever we get Chinese I always get a combo that comes with Won Ton Soup. I love the stuff, and don't seem to fully enjoy a Chinese meal without it. But when the soup came it was Hot and Sour. I asked the waitress if I could get the Won Ton instead. She said she would make the exception and do it for me, but I think I royally pissed her off. She was being rude to us for the rest of the meal. I had a head ache, so I wasn't in the greatest of moods. And between the bitchy waitress and the guy at the table next to us loudly talking about his penis, Clint was not in a happy mood at all.

We left, and Clint did seem to cheer up a bit. We went back to his place and were watching a documentary on TV about the big bang theory and black holes. I mentioned to Clint that I should probably go back to my house tonight, and shortly after Angela called his cell phone. She was having an issue with her car, so we met up with her over at Java City. While Clint looked at her car I chatted with the other regulars. Clint couldn't figure out exactly what was wrong with the car, and we ended up leaving so he could take me home.

Thankfully, the night seemed to end with him in a good mood. I didn't want to kiss him goodbye because I was afraid I smelled like smoke, but he kissed me anyway. That was sweet. A short while ago he sent me a text message that said "Goodnight my angel of music." So, that's good. He's a sweetheart. Even if he does get grumpy sometimes.

So, I made a new little doll for the bottom of my page. I think she's cute. The base is from Angy Chan's Dolls. I like how I did her hair and face, she's a good representation of me. The clothes are a little too simple, but they work for now.

I got my bank statement today only to find that I'm overdrawn. I don't know how that happened. Grrrr... My grandpa says he will put money in my account to fix it. But it makes me feel so bad that he's spending so much on me. As it is, he's paying all my bills. Hopefully I'll be getting a good sized, steady paycheck here soon.

before - after

Mood: Itchy
Wearing: Blue striped shirt and jeans
Listening To: Some house and trance
Thinking: I need money
Wishing: I win the lottery tomorrow