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The current mood of sensualminx@diaryland.com at www.imood.com
Conspiracy theorist I am not
12.01.02 . 9:05 am

Last night Clint and I were driving down the road on a trek for food, when we stopped at a busy intersection. We noticed the people in the car next to us were pointing at something. We looked in the direction they were pointing to and saw a man on the corner holding a sign high above his head that simply said "Jesus Loves You" on both sides. He was by himself, on a busy street corner, at night, in the cold, to picket for Jesus.

This all led to quite a discussion. Why would a person feel the need to do it? Did he think he was spreading holiday cheer? Could he have been trying to convert people? Maybe he was attempting to get on the local news? Or perhaps simply out of his skull? Who knows... And Clint and I pondered if our reaction of annoyance was good or bad. I mean, hey, having strong beliefs in something good is wonderful and I absolutely applaud it. But to demonstrate it in such a way? It just seems... wrong.

Last night I did go shopping. I feel guilty because I spent some of my clothing money on a Gremlins lunchbox. I collect all things Gizmo. I couldn't resist. I then got a strange craving for hot dogs. Which is odd, seeing as I do not like hot dogs and generally try to avoid them. But I did satisfy my craving with a pretzel dog and side order of jalapeno poppers. And it was all delicious.

Clint and I capped the night off by cuddling in his bed while watching "Spirited Away." It's a very good movie, even if it did make me stop and go "Huh?" quite a few times. Right now I'm just downloading music and amusing myself by browsing through conspiracy theory webpages.

People are funny.

before - after

Mood: Cynical
Wearing: Jeans, t-shirt, and sweatshirt... Can it get any more simple?
Listening To: The sound of my fingers tapping on the keyboard
Thinking: Do these people actually believe all the crap they write?
Wishing: I had something to eat for breakfast