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The current mood of sensualminx@diaryland.com at www.imood.com
11.30.02 . 12:26 pm

So, last night was randomly fun. Clint picked me up and we went over to Java City for a while with Erik. Clint and I left to go visit Sara, and on the way Shiloe called me. A joke about going to a strip club turned into the three of us actually deciding to go to one. We hung out at Sara's for a while, Shiloe came over, and then we left to go to see naked women.

But it never happened. We got to talking about how we all were really joking about the strip club thing, and decided there were probably better things to do than watch naked women dance for money. So, we went back to Java City. Erik, Angela, and Tyson were all there. We chatted there for quite some time, and then decided to find something to do. Diana's party never happened, so we couldn't do that. Shiloe's friends were going to a party, but it was really only a kick back. Shiloe and I made some calls looking for good parties, with no success. We even talked about going to Twisted, because they would surely have fliers for a few good raves. That idea got snuffed out because Erik, Angela, and Tyson had no money. So the unmotivated people that we are, we just ended up heading over to Cora's where we played Dr. Mario and listened to music.

Cora was going to Townhouse, a gay bar, and I really wanted to go. Singing Liza and Bette in their karaoke room sounded like a blast. But the whole fact that I'm not 21 yet kept that plan from happening. We stayed at her place for a couple hours, just having fun being lazy, and then Clint, Shiloe, Erik, and I all went back to Clint's house. We had more random fun. Shiloe and Clint played with the turntables and mixed some stuff, I kept hitting myself in the head with these Poi practice thingies, and then Clint showed the guys some basic fencing moves. Good times.

It was really an enjoyable night. Yet we never found anything to do. That's Sacramento for you.

Today Clint and I are meeting up with Erik and Valerie and going downtown. I'm sure more randomness will come from that outing.

before - after

Mood: Cheeky
Wearing: Jeans and an orange Roxy tee
Listening To: Me First And The Gimme Gimmes
Thinking: Thank goodness I wasn't swinging actual fire, otherwise I'd be hurting
Wishing: I had more money