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The current mood of sensualminx@diaryland.com at www.imood.com
Ever feel like you're in a cheesy movie?
11.12.02 . 12:06 am

Right after I wrote, I did call Clint. It turned out he didn't have class because of the holiday. He decided he would come up to my grandparents and kidnap me. We met up with Erik and Angela at Java City, and then went bowling. It was so cute, because Clint was putting funny nicknames in on the computerized screen instead of just our names. He was Gutterballs, Erik was Bipolar Bowler, and Angela was Angel of Death. Clint looked at me for a second, and then grinned. He put Punky Breuster in for me. I laughed and asked him why he did that, and he said it's because I'm punky and really cute.

After bowling, the four of us went downtown to go to this cute little cafe, called True Love. On the way there we passed a boutique that interested both Clint and I. Erik and Angela went on to the cafe, but the two of us ended up walking over to the shop. It was a very cool place that sold vintage clothing and fetish stuff. We were having fun looking through all the awesome vintage coats and then (just for shits and giggles) the latex costumes. You know, little maid costumes, sexy police outfits, a little red riding hood get up. That sort of thing. It was the coolest place, and we decided we just have to go back. The only other costumer in there at the time was a drag queen, so I was thoroughly amused. Yeah, I love drag queens, is that a problem?

So, we ended up going back to the cafe. I love this place. It's one of those really awesome artsy little cafes with all sorts of coffee, tea, italian sodas, and goodies to munch on. You can also turn in your ID or car keys and "rent" boardgames, sketch pads, etc. Clint and I decided to play Battleship. He won the first round and asked me if he got a prize for winning. I told him maybe... I won the second round, and he said I could get a prize of my choice. I told him I'd think about it. We then decided to play Connect Four, which I wooped his butt at. Afterwards, we went iinside (we were on the back patio) and found a cute little leopard couch to hang out on. Awkwardness. Sexual tension. I confessed to him that I used to have a crush on him back in high school. His response was, "Used to?" So I then confessed to still liking him. He smiled and said, "That's okay, because I'm sweet on you now." More awkwardness. Lots of giggles. He told me I have nervous energy. I told him he does too. And that he fidgets. And that he rambles when he's nervous. We talked for a long time, he massaged my hands (I *love* that). He then asked me again if I knew what I wanted my prize for winning to be. I told him I didn't know. I asked him what his was, and he told me, "I think I got it." He made a comment about how small my hands were. We put our hands together to compare and he put his fingers through mine so we were holding hands. We then started laughing and he told me he was embarrased that he was acting like a nervous 14 year-old. It was really absolutely cute.

We then went out for a walk. Uh, yeah, more awkwardness. I ran up a little bit ahead of him, and he came up behind me and picked me up and swung me around. He then had his arms around me. And, yes, we kissed. I then started laughing and I said to him, "Wow, this whole night has totally been leading up to that... But we were both too nervous to do anything." He agreed and we started walking back to the cafe. I told him that I just got my prize.

So, we all ended up leaving. He took my back here to my grandparents. When we got here, I got an old photo album out. I had pictures in it of a birthday party we went to back when we knew each other. There was a really cute shot of him with his arms around his then girlfriend. We also laughed at one I had of Tyson because he still had hair back then (he's balding now). After chatting with my grandparents for a while, Clint went home. And right as I sat down to ramble in this post I got a text message on my phone from him that said simply, "Goodnight! =)" I sent one back that said, "Goodnight to you too. Sweet Dreams!" And he then sent back, "*grin* Thank you Tiffany. Thank you."

Perfect night. Absolutely perfect night. This could be a very good thing...

before - after

Mood: Giddy
Wearing: Jeans and an orange and leopard print Superman t-shirt
Listening To: Incubus
Thinking: This writing thing feels good again
Wishing: I had a crystal ball