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The current mood of sensualminx@diaryland.com at www.imood.com
Stupid me...
04.12.04 . 11:32 pm

Saul tells me I have to update.

So, update.

Update, update, update.

I could leave it at that, but I guess I might as well write something now. Bleh.

I'm eating rum cake. Which makes me wonder... Is there enough rum in rum cake to get a person drunk? I'm inclined to say "no," but it's a nice thought.

Last night, I broke my camera. I am not happy. Not happy at all. I dropped it when the lens was out, so of course it fell on the lens. Isn't that always how these things happen? Anywho, because of the way it landed, it bent and jammed the lens mechanism. While I can still turn my camera on and view the pictures on the LCD screen, I can't do anything else. Because the lens, being fucking broken, thinks the cap is on.

I contacted Olympus customer service this afternoon, and I can send it to them and they will fix it. I was quoted about $135 for the repair, but it could be more.

The only thing good about last night was that I wore the dress Shandon gave me. It's vintage and absolutely gorgeous, and I shall love her forever for giving it to me. I got compliments left and right, even from Joseph, who's like the Fashion Police. I shall put a picture up of it shortly. The first-wearing of the dress has to be marked in my diary.

I have a job interview for Thunder Valley Casino on Wednesday. It's for a cocktail waitress postion.

I have to get this job.

Nicolai tells me that I can make $100 in tips on a *bad* night. If this is true, I could work five *slow* nights in a row and have $500 in my pocket every week. I'd be able to live off my tips and save my actual paychecks. Okay, maybe that won't happen. But you know, I could even live off half that, really.

I just hope I do well and manage to get the job. I never thought I'd want to be a cocktail waitress before. But at this point in time, the extra cash is needed.


before - after

Mood: Pissy
Wearing: "Twister" shirt, black pants
Listening To: Leno
Thinking: *burp*
Wishing: I didn't break my camera last night