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The current mood of sensualminx@diaryland.com at www.imood.com
I wanna be a supermodel
03.01.04 . 9:09 pm

Have I mentioned how much I've been missing Paul? Yes, I think I have. But I thought I should mention it again. Seeing as it's going to take him forever and a day just to get his fucking passport, I'm afraid I will be here in California for a little longer than planned. I really do love seeing my friends and family and all, but I feel... empty without him. Even when I'm with my friends and having a lot of insane homo waffle fun, it's still not the same.

Haha, not to mention the fact that everyone I know wants to molest him. But that's just because he's so damn cute.

I have a decision to make, and it's a really strange one. Last week, as a joke, I submitted an application to Suicide Girls. Of course I never expected they'd actual get in contact with me less than 24 hours later and tell me I'd be perfect for the site.

Paul wants me to do it, my friends think it's the coolest thing in the world... Even my mother says go for it, as long as I don't regret it later. The site is tasteful. And it's not like I'd have to do any big beaver shots or anything. But it still would be me posing nude for the entire world.

I've had a lot of offers from people who want to be my photographer. Actually, before this all came about I had been asked by two different photographers to do some glamour modeling for them. But I actually am thinking about one guy who both Dmitri and Joseph have recommended. Apparently, he's very professional. Met him briefly last night, he seems like a nice and normal guy. Well, as normal as all of my friends are (perhaps that's not saying much?).

Also, I was talking to Joseph about it last night. He's only an acquaintance of mine, so I was shocked when he offered to do my makeup for photo shoots. And he really knows what he's doing. He runs a drag show downtown and I know he's quite the pro at it.

Hey, maybe that's a plan. I should get a gaggle of gay guys to do my hair and makeup, help me with the outfit and theme, perhaps even do the photography... It's not like they will be oogling my tits, right?

Bah, I'm still so nervous about doing it. But it's good money... And me looking all pretty and sexy...


before - after

Mood: Accepted
Wearing: Black and grey tank, black pants
Listening To: The Weezer
Thinking: Does this mean I can say I'm a model? Ha!
Wishing: Lot's of snuggles...