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The current mood of sensualminx@diaryland.com at www.imood.com
Pixie Sticks
02.15.04 . 4:38 am


I need to make this entry quick, seeing as I have to get to bed. I'm visiting my mom in the morning, so I need to try not to be a zombie.

Tonight was a lot of fun, in a keeping-your-mind-off-valentines-day sort of way.

Amy and Kevin picked me up, and we went over to Rob's condo to hang out with him, Ryan, and Bishop. It was actually a great time for us lonely people. Although, I'm lonely in a different way than them. I have someone who loves me, I just can't be with him right now. And sometimes that fucking stinks more than not having anyone at all.

After a few drinks, a lot of pizza and candy, some Tenacious D and The Goonies, a little bad porn, and then the Trailer Trash video I won last night, we all came up with a great plan...

We are going to make a B movie. It will star a very gay Dracula. Amy and I would make great bimbo slayers (Muffy and Duffy). There would be a third slayer -- a transvestite -- named Stuffy. Gay Dracula preys on straight male strippers, and uses his powers to turn them into gay vampire zombies. He sleeps in closets and has a fetish for Pixie Sticks and Wham.

Now, before this sounds like anything really discriminatory... A good majority of the cast would be gay or bisexual (hell, I think I was one of the only completely straight people there tonight). And before it sounds like exploitation... it is! That's just more damn fun!

Move over Troma! This is going to be the raunchiest, cheesiest thing EVER made!

(I apologize already for that above entry, I'm sure it makes absolutely no sense. And I know I'll probably kick myself for it tomorrow. I ate far too much candy tonight and am half dead. My typing skills and ability to form a complete sentence have deserted me.)

before - after

Mood: Braindead
Wearing: Pinstripe pants, black tank, black sweatshirt...
Listening To: The clock ticking
Thinking: Well, it was a funny idea at the time!
Wishing: Paul. Valentines Day. You get the picture.