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The current mood of sensualminx@diaryland.com at www.imood.com
Drunk people amuse me
01.02.03 . 12:37 pm

It's my first entry of the new year, and I'm sick. Bleh. I have an icky cold that I either caught from Clint or Tyson. I'm not sure which one of them was evil enough to spread their germs.

But the New Year party was fun. And yes, we did get Erik sloppy drunk. Which was hilarious up until the point that he puked all over the couch and Inga's sweater. Besides the spewing, he was so amusing. He kept referring to himself and everyone else as "sexy bitch," claimed he needed a whore, gave us a strip tease, and found that his favorite word for the night was "fuck." These are all highly un-Erik-like things to do. But it kept all of us laughing.

Suprisingly, I didn't get drunk. I had a hard lemonade or two, a Schmirnoff Ice, shots of After Shock, Parrot Bay, and Goldschlager, and that was about it I think. So I was doing fine. Diana was shocked when I talked to her sober after midnight. I just wasn't in the mood to get sloppy like the boys.

Poor Sara couldn't make it to the party because her sitter cancelled on her at the last moment. I felt bad that she was left at home with her girls for the night. Shiloe never stopped by, like he said he was going to. Mike and Jenn were apparently playing board games over at Mick's house. And Diana and Matt were out cruising around in a limo. So I was pretty much surrounded by Clint's group, not mine. But that's okay, because I still had a blast.

Good times.

before - after

Mood: Sick
Wearing: Jammie bottoms and my grey Navy shirt
Listening To: Jimmy Eat World
Thinking: *cough*sneeze*snort*
Wishing: I knew where I lost my ring