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The current mood of sensualminx@diaryland.com at www.imood.com
12.30.02 . 2:56 pm

I had a lot of fun last night. Clint was on his way over to pick me up as Nicolai called me. He wanted to take me out to goth club, which I really love doing. So I was massively torn between having having fun with friends or cuddling with my boyfriend. I told Clint what was going on, and we decided to meet up with Nic at Starbucks. I also had to give him his Christmas present. So, we tried to talk Clint into coming to the club, but he had to go to work the next morning at 5:30, as usual.

The three of us sat around at Starbucks and chatted for a while, then Clint took off to go home. Nicolai and I went to the club and had a blast. We met up with Shiloe there, who was there with his friend Sarah and her boyfriend, and this guy John who was really cool to talk to about movies and video games.

The music was good as usual, and most of the people were great. Although there were too many regular clubbers there for goth night. I don't know how they wandered in. One girl was drunk off her ass, sliding herself onto the bar, and making out like a rabid possom in the corner with an equally drunk guy. Some other bling bling dude tried to start a fight. It was amusing as we all watched him literally get thrown out on his ass.

I finally got home a little after two. I think Nicolai and I should go more often. Even though I'm not "goth," it's the only club setting I really enjoy. Well, at least it is when the annoying people don't randomly show up.

before - after

Mood: Smashing
Wearing: My Christmas present from Mike and Jenn
Listening To: Progressive house
Thinking: I need to go eat my taco salad that's sitting in the kitchen
Wishing: Clint didn't have to work early on Monday, so he could go to the club with me