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The current mood of sensualminx@diaryland.com at www.imood.com
Poolhall junkies
12.15.02 . 1:46 pm

Yesterday was somewhat stressful. I got to work at 7:30, which wasn't as bad as I thought. I even got time during the first hour to restock and reorganize all the belts in the store. But after that I was stuck at the register for the rest of the day. It was a neverending line.

The most stressful part of the day came after I got off. I went outside into the parking lot to find it filled with cars, all at a standstill as they were trying to either get out or find a parking spot. It was horrible. I have never seen anything like it. I was off at 1:30, yet didn't get out of the fucking parking lot until 3:15. 3:15!! An hour and 45 minutes to make my way out of a PARKING LOT! So, yeah, I was pissed.

I got home and tried to unwind some. It wasn't long before Erik called to tell me that he and Clint would be at my house in ten minutes. Yeah, great warning. So I had to scramble to get dressed and presentable. We went to Hard Times Billiards and stayed there for about three hours. I also called up Shiloe and Jenny and invited them out. It was quite fun.

It was amusing, because we were playing in the tournament room. Above one of the tables there is a sign that says, "Table used in 'Poolhall Junkies.'" Now, I have never seen this movie. But I was excited to think that perhaps Christopher Walken had been in that very same room, touching that very same table. Clint was teasing me, saying "Ooh, wow, maybe Christopher Walken breathed the same air we're breathing! *gasp!*" Well, maybe he did, dammit. Or maybe he wasn't even in that scene. I don't know. I haven't seen it. The movie looks like crap. It stars Rick Schroder, how good can it really be?

Both Clint and Shiloe got upset with the crowd there. Let me explain. There was a group of guys practicing for an upcoming tournament two tables down from us. They had to have seen Jenny and me with our boyfriends. But when the two of us went outside for a cigarette the guys were desperately hitting on us. Our boys came up to get us, and as we all walked away we could hear the guys talking shit about Clint and Shiloe. Then, as we walked back inside through the back doors, some chick tried to trip Clint and I, and then sarcastically said, "Oh, I'm sorry." Clint explained that he, Shiloe, and Erik walked by her on their way out to find us. She was trying to flirt with them, and they pretty much ignored her and her poolhall sluttiness.

So, yeah, after that we decided to leave and call it a night.

Clint and I went back to his place. After a while of talking, we went to bed. He was being very cute and cuddly. Then, he randomly kissed me. And then I got some. It was really quite good, too. It was funny how we had just finished talking about his non-sexualness earlier, because he was incredible. I went to bed very pleased.

Today it's still raining. I'm considering just vegging out and playing The Sims. I don't know. Clint gets off work soon, I'll see if he has any plans (and if they include me). If not, I'm going to be a lazy bum.

before - after

Mood: Comfortable
Wearing: A mens nightshirt and comfy pants
Listening To: Incubus
Thinking: Last night was really nice
Wishing: Clint's schedule was a little more normal