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The current mood of sensualminx@diaryland.com at www.imood.com
Ooh, purdy clothes!
11.23.02 . 8:46 pm

So, as far as my previous entry is concerned, I am now believed. My mother researched Harry Chapin/Cat Stevens in regards to the song "Cat's In The Cradle," and finally agreed that I was correct. She thought it was strange that Cat Stevens truly never wrote or performed the song, and referred to it as "an example of collective memory gone awry."

Last night Clint and I met up with his friend Destiny over at Arden Fair Mall. She's a totally cool chick, and we had fun shopping. I also picked up an application to BeBe, and am now crossing my fingers that I can get a job there. It would be wonderful. After our shopping spree, we met up with this other cool chick, Blaze, and went to Davis. We met up with seven other people, and went to a house party. It was fun, and they had a light show war. Clint doesn't think he's good at it, but he's actually quite impressive. At least to me. I'm so uncoordinated.

I haven't talked to Sara for a while because she got all pissy last time I saw her. I love the girl, but sometimes she's just so emotionally draining. The other night I went over to Diana's new apartment to get the grand tour. It's a nice place, but I'm worried that she's going to have problems living with Matt. I can already see him treating her like crap.

So, tomorrow I need to go turn in the app I picked up, and maybe get a few more. Working at a clothing store is sounding like a fantastic idea. That or a small movie or music store. Retail is okay as long as it's not another big chain like Toys R Us. That place was killing me.

before - after

Mood: Neurotic
Wearing: Pink Panther tee and jammie bottoms
Listening To: The Offspring
Thinking: Meow
Wishing: I get a job at BeBe...