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The current mood of sensualminx@diaryland.com at www.imood.com
Vintage coats rock
11.17.02 . 1:40 pm

I had quite a good weekend. Clint and I did go back to that cute boutique, Previews Peekaboo. He bought me a wonderful coat that we had seen a few days ago the first time we went. I absolutely love it! Later that night we went with Angela, Brian, and Erik to see "The Ring." The movie is so creepy and sneaks inside your head and messes with you. Bah.

One bad thing, though: While we were watching the movie some jackasses apparently thought it would be funny to egg Clint's car. They used three dozen, and only got his car. It was very disturbing, and it messed up his paint job some. I feel so bad for the poor guy. We can't figure out if it was someone who was pissed off at him, or someone he knew pulling a prank, or just a random act of vandalism.

The next day we met up with Shiloe, Jenny, and Erik and went back downtown to do some more hunting for neat vintage coats and clothing. We had a lot of fun being cute and random. Shiloe and Jenny are definitely contenders to beat Clint and I in the cute and sappy couple contest. I love them to death, they're sweethearts.

So, yeah... Josh called randomly the other night. I talked to him for a bit. I'm not sure when I should tell him that I'm seeing Clint. Hopefully I won't really have to. You know, maybe Josh is just calling as a friend. That's the best scenario. And speaking of, Brandon called last night while we were shopping. I did tell him that Clint was my boyfriend. It's funny how guys you've been interested in finally decide to start calling you when you're happy with someone else. And I am. I'm very happy.

before - after

Mood: Content
Wearing: Stuff
Listening To: Alien Ant Farm
Thinking: I'm getting hungry
Wishing: This stupid cold would go away